things i like about my life right now, part 2

today as i was walking across frozen, icy, good old byu campus, i realized what a blessing and wonder this semester has been. it has been such a unique and amazing time in my life, and i am just so grateful for the things i'm learning, the ways i've grown, the obvious presence of the lord's hand in my life and the real fun and joy i have experienced. it's still so random to me that i am here, and i still have no idea what the future holds, but you know what? life is good and god is aware of me. i still ache for the mission and am bewildered by the craze of the world, but you know what? i can use what i learned and my passion for the gospel in my life now, and i am blessed. i can't believe how fast time has passed. so let me list again what i like about life a few months later, just because i'm happy and want to validate and share that. here we go: i really like -- *the new family search website. it is so cool and has helped me completely in achieving my goal of ...