oh nine in review

hurrah for two thousand ten! this new year is a great big glorious unknown for me and it will be an adventure to discover what it holds. we had a great time ringing it in and watching the ball drop at baliwood, and since then i've been thinking not only about what is ahead but about how incredible the year behind was. two thousand nine was a truly remarkable year - within these twelve months i think i hit both the high point and the low point of my whole life. i spent the first seven months reveling in the wonder of being a full-time missionary and i experienced joy that i could have never wildly imagined. those seven months were all spent in my last, beloved area and it was just such an exquisite time of life. the last five - crazy august to december - i spent in an absolute whirlwind of living, trying to figure out how to be a new person in an old world and what my dreams are beyond the mission. all in all, i've learned so much and been so blessed. and now a new year is ahead...