wright brothers lately

a few things i want to remember about our boys at six months and two and a quarter years old: moses: loves to watch our wedding video (he asks for it every few days by saying "watch mama and daddy in the red car" referring to the very end when we leave our reception in a red car :) ). adores his brother and gives him the biggest, longest hugs while saying "awwwwww." says "one minute" pretty much 100% of the time he is asked to do something ... always looking for one more minute to play! is obsessed with a story book his grandma gave him for christmas last year, and references the stories in it multiple times a day. loves animals more than anything. his favourite animals are elephants and giraffes and he will often randomly say, "i love elephants" or "i love giraffes." if he sees a picture of an animal when we are out and about he hollers "annnnnimal!!!" with so much glee. he spends hours every day playing with ...