bye january!

as opposed to many other times of year, i'm just never sad to see january go... i'm looking forward to some fun things in february, and then to spring (!!). but despite the general dreariness, we've had a good beginning to 2019 in london. here's some tidbits of life lately... ian is currently on a five day, six city business trip in europe. we miss him like crazy when he is away (and we are so happy that's not very often). moses and i continue to love, love, love joy school. this month's unit for our group has been the joy of the earth and that's been good to focus on during a time of year when there's not naturally a lot of joy for the earth in the air ;) moses has developed some great friendships with his joy school classmates and is learning so much. the other day after the joy school kids left our house (it was my turn to be the teacher), moses sat at our front window and hollered, "asher, claire, come back! i want to say ...