wright now

after nearly twelve years (!!) of "dripping with passion," i've moved my blogging over to a different little spot on the internet. this blog has been a really valued and really valuable part of my life throughout all those years. i'm so glad i have pictures and thoughts and memories documented and organized. i've made meaningful connections with people all over the world and from so many different walks of life. i've been pushed to think more deeply from comments and conversations here. i've had the opportunity to reflect on what and how i should share and that has been really enriching in a lot of ways. i've been touched by expressions of gratitude and inspiration and encouragement. i love that i've been able to share and learn here. and so, i will continue blogging - i'll keep maintaining a family record, and sharing thoughts and beauty that i try to capture. i have zero interest in growing a following or monetizing or driving more traf...