the getty villa


last weekend, kelsey and steph and i hopped in the car and drove to los angeles. i was excited to go south with these girls for a several reasons, but honestly the main one was that i really wanted to see the getty villa. i’d been hearing about it a lot lately for some reason, and i just knew my obsession for the getty center would spill over into the much smaller, oh-so-charming villa in malibu. so first thing saturday morning (after delicious brunch, of course), we headed straight there.

the art was fabulous! the walls and ceilings and mosaicked floors were spectacular! and the gardens were just magnificent.

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this is my dear friend jen, who let us all three sleep at her apartment in santa monica. jen is one of my very most favity faves – she’s such an angel. it was so fun to catch up with her and see her los angeles world.
kelsey’s friend from middle school also lives in the city of angeles, and steph’s former roommate lives in hollywood! so we all had a la buddy to reunite with and spend time with, which was fun.
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my favourite part of the museum was the ancient greek glass art – it was incredible!
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the getty villa definitely lived up to my high expectations!


  1. very nice pictures! reminds me of the alhambra in spain.

  2. Looks like a really, really cool place. Beautiful pics- fun post!

  3. I LOVE the Getty Villa. I went a few years ago, but I feel like I would love it a lot more these days, and wish I could get back there.

  4. I really appreciate seeing your Getty photos. It will be a while before I can go visit this magnificent art world.
    It was a treat to see some of the highlights of your visit. The photos were beautifully done.

  5. Hi Charity, my family and I had the chance to visit San Fracisco at the end of August. We had a fabulous time and I just wanted to pass on a thank your to you for your blog post "... Guide to San Francisco". We were able to see and do many of your suggestions, our favorite was the bike tour across the bridge and into Sausillto. Our son is a huge fan of street art and we tried to hook up with Russell the tour guide but he was away while we were there. He did send us info on places to see and that was really helpful. Anyway, thanks again, we enjoyed our visit!

  6. ahhh i love the getty villa. miss charity, i miss you!!


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