my jerusalem story

from the time i was a small girl, i dreamed of studying abroad at the brigham young university jerusalem center for near-eastern studies . all of my older siblings, one by one, came home from semesters in the holy land beaming with new light and brimming with stories of epic adventures, both spiritual and fun. i distinctly remember one summer night, after my senior in high school, having a conversation with my sister saydi before we fell asleep while sharing a bed at bear lake. she was telling me, quite passionately, about her experiences at the jerusalem center. i recall a fire igniting within my heart as she explained the sheer joy she had experienced in her semester abroad, by then many years past. and i was determined to do all i could to make my dream a reality. at that time, the jerusalem center was closed for students, and had been for several years, due to security concerns. there was no indication when - or even if! - the center would reopen. but starting that summer n...