a day trip to cambridge

when moses was five weeks old, we took a family day trip to cambridge. it was our first real full-day outing as a family of three! i went to cambridge a few years ago and have been telling the boy how magical it is ever since we moved to the uk. so he was pining to go for months! we had a really great saturday exploring and enjoying together.

our good friend meg happened to be in town for a wedding in cambridge that weekend! we got to hang out with her in london on friday, and then on saturday we met up with her for a bit before she headed to the wedding festivities. it was so great to see meg. she and i worked together throughout my many ups and downs while dating ian – she’s seen us through our entire story. she’s a beautiful human, a kindred friend and a bright light.

some photos from our saturday in charming cambridge:

^^ after our train ride and after we found meg, we strolled through the streets towards kings college, catching up and enjoying pretty sites along the way. we snapped this picture outside the chapel because meg had to dash off to the wedding after taking a quick peek inside. love that girl! ^^
^^ the kings college chapel is probably among the top five most stunning manmade structures i’ve ever seen. the fan ceiling and intricate stained glass is just knock-your-socks-off incredible. ^^
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^^ i love the way the colours of the stained glass spill onto the stone columns leading up to that magnificent ceiling. we just stared up in awe for quite a while! ^^
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^ ^ ^ quintessential cambridge – punting boats on the river cam! ^ ^ ^
^^ there was a beautiful scottish wedding on the lawn at kings college! ^^
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^^ ha! moses is not really appreciating that loving kiss from his mama! ^^
^^ and then he’s like “okay, whatever mom.” ^^
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^^ peeking in lots of different colleges ^^
^^ the view from our punting boat. ^^ we got on the river right as baby moses was desperate to eat…so i had a new experience breastfeeding on a punt! it was an adventure.
^^ this is what happens when the person sitting across from you in a tiny boat doesn’t speak your language and looks at your camera like its a completely foreign object, yet you still ask her to snap a photo of you + the famous bridge of sighs! :) ^^
^^ so you zoom out and ask her to take one more :) i really love my covered goods nursing cover! ^^
^^ here’s our punter/tour guide. he is a student at cambridge and had lots of neat facts to share. ^^
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^^ moses finished his meal after we disembarked the punt, as i sat on this beautiful little stoop down a charming little alley. we asked a stranger to take a photo of us here as soon as moses finished nursing. we thought it was just a darling little family photo until we realized, upon closer examination, that we had caught little mo mid-spitup! ha! ^^

cambridge, you’re the cutest and the coolest. thanks for a great first family day trip!


  1. Wow - I've been to many churches in Europe, and this one looks truly spectacular. Your Moses comments cracked me up - his reactions to your kiss and the spit up. Too funny.

  2. So incredible!! Meant to ask you if Ian passed his tests! My husband is going to have to take the same exams!

  3. What a place this is! It's the second time through because I can just never get tired of seeing this astonishing, historical, magical place and these beautiful people therein! Moses's comical expressions make me LOL!


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