three weeks in the united states!

we just returned from three weeks in the states! we took four plane rides, drove about twenty five hours in cars, slept in nine different beds, and spent time with sixty eight beloved family members (plus four of our boys' great grandparents)! both our eyre family and our wright family had reunions, and our own little family had lots of fun together before, after and in between. it was an epic trip to the usa. i have some blog posts planned with photos from the reunions as well as moses's birthday and gabriel's blessing day, both of which happened while we were in the states. this post is for all the good times we had on our trip beside those big events. our ten hour flight from london to salt lake city went about as well as it could have with two lap children (we decided to fly to the states three days before mo's second birthday, when we'd have to start paying for him to have a seat on flights). we had several empty seats around us and bassinet for gabriel. ...