the wright brothers, growing up fast

our little boys are growing up fast. over the past couple of months, it seems like both moses and gabriel have changed soooo much! i really think they are both impossibly cute and i have just been bowled over lately by how much i adore them. here's a little update on the wright brothers! these photos were at bear lake and here in our london home about three weeks ago ... and both boys have grown since then! i guess another update with newer pictures will have to come soon :) moses... ...has experienced an explosion of language since hanging out with a bunch of older cousins in the usa. he can now hold a pretty good little (albeit disjoined) conversation! it's pretty fun to chat with him, and he surprises me with words he knows every single day. ...has become a little singer! he perfected the abc song thanks to his cousin-teachers zara and mila at bear lake. for the first couple of weeks after we got home from the states, anytime moses saw ...