NYC, there's something about you!

There's something pretty magical about walking down Canal Street at midnight in New York City's Chinatown listening to Frank Sinatra sing "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere!" The next song on random shuffle on my iPod was "City of Blinding Lights" by U2. SWEETNESS! (Made me think of you, Josh and that awesome concert at Madison Square Garden). When I got on the Fung Wah bus on Friday to head for the Big Apple, I realized that it felt like home. It is so fun to be back back east and be able to just pack a backpack and go to New York! Thanks to Noah and Kristi for always letting us stay and to Tal for hanging out with me! I met my good friend from High School, Erin Anderson in NYC for the weekend. She is interning in DC so we decided to meet halfway! She brought her roommate Randi who is wonderful ... and we had a GREAT time! We went to Battery Park, and then the girls took the Staten Island Ferry while I went to lunch with Tal and Mr. London. ...