cable cars

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on tuesday morning we went back up to the city to ride a cable car and spend some time with the golden gate bridge. we rode all the way from union square to ghiradelli square, and it was so fun to relish the journey with the kids. that powell & hyde line covers a good part of the city and offers some fantastic hills and splendid views.

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we got some chocolate samples at ghiradelli right as the fog lifted and the bridge popped out to glow red in the sunshine. i was so happy that noah, kristi and the kids would get some quality fogless ggb time in as we headed back through the hills to drive to baker beach. but in true san francisco style, the fog returned just as we drove into the presidio, and all the views were just white. noah was a little crestfallen, but baby bennett was all smiles!

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we didn’t have much time to wait for the fog to lift again since noah & kristi had a 9 hour drive back to san diego ahead of them with those awesome kids. we stopped at in-n-out, they dropped me off at my house, and we said goodbye.

four and half days with these guys was such a treat!


  1. How great that you had Tuesday off. At least part of the day huh? It IS fun to be with this great little troop. Thanks for the great pics!

  2. Hey Chester thanks SO much for such a fun time! wow it was a blast!


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