bear lake videos

a couple film glimpses into our 45th annual bear lake eyrealm reunion...enjoy!

bear lake. from elle pothier. on Vimeo.

Eyrealm 2013 video final from Noah Eyre on Vimeo.


  1. Man I love these videos. Elle captured so much fun in that first one. What a great collection of memories on to have on record!

    Noah and Kristi's music video is a classic. How they pulled that together in one day is beyond me! A treasure.

  2. Amazing!!! And you and the Boy are so cute!

  3. These were adorable thanks for sharing!!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun, Charity.

  5. Haha! I loved these. That's some crazy dancing skillz! :)

  6. Great videos!
    I can't wait to hear more about the reunion and how about it's going at your new job.
    It's so weird that after I started reading your blog and some of your sister's blogs that I feel like I know you guys and want to know how you are doing.I hope that doesn't sound creepy!
    Greetings from Germany,


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