aroundtheworld q&a part 2
^^ our before and after airport photos! march 22 and june 9, 2015. ^^ Would you tell us how things ended up with your job? I believe you were teaching - what happened to your class for the rest of the year? sure! i transitioned from a teaching role to a school leadership role at the beginning of the 2014-15 school year, so when i left my job i luckily wasn’t leaving behind a specific class of students! i was, however, leaving behind projects that impacted students and that i had worked really hard on throughout the year and was sad to not see through. i did get to be involved in the recruiting and hiring process for my replacement, and i wrote a very thorough manual for my role, which was created for and by me before i stepped into it. all things considered, it turned out to be fairly good timing for a transition. i have been checking in on my former colleagues to see how things are going and am excited to hear of their continued success serving students. i will always be so gra...